"Multistrange Nuclei--- Recent Experimental and Theoretical Developments ---"
Prof. Avraham Gal

Sep 20, 2002

講演題目: Multistrange Nuclei--- Recent Experimental and Theoretical Developments ---
講 師 : Prof. Avraham Gal
     (Hebrew University, Israel)
日 時 : 平成14年9月20日 (金) 10:30-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 大学院講義室 理学部2号館(2-11号室)

要 旨 :
   Recent developments of multi-strange nuclear physics are overviewed, highlighting the recent experimental and theoretical developments in Lambda-Lambda hypernuclei. By applying the exact treatment of few-body (three- and four-) quantum systems, we can assess the strength of the Lambda-Lambda interactions based on the world data of Lambda-Lambda hypernuclear binding energies, including those of recently observed Lambda-Lambda-4H and Lambda-Lambda-6He nuclei. The most clear event (Lambda-Lambda-6He) supports a one-boson-exchange soft core model (NSC97), and Faddeev calculations using the same interaction further suggest that Lambda-Xi-6He marks the onset of nuclear stability for Xi hyperons or the S = -3 world.

世話人  大西 明

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