May 12, 2003

"Scientific Publishing - How to Write a Good Scientific Paper and Submit It Successfully -"
Dr. Claus Ascheron

講演題目: Scientific Publishing - How to Write a Good Scientific Paper and Submit It Successfully -
講 師 : Dr. Claus Ascheron
     (Physics Editor of Springer-Verlag)
日 時 : 平成15年5月12日 (月) 16:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院工学研究科 物理工学系大会議室 A 1-17(A棟1階)

要 旨 :
  A careful introduction to scientific publishing is given together with detailed advice for researchers and advanced students on how to prepare good scientific papers. This instruction is also based on personal experience with the approach to scientific publishing in different countries gained as a visiting professor at various universities, in a two years' stay in Japan as a Professor of Kyoto University, e.g. The topics discussed will be:
- Why is scientific publishing necessary?
- How important is scientific publishing for your academic career?
- Types of scientific publications
- Contents of scientific publications
- Steps to plan a scientific publication
- Writing style of scientific publications
- Importance of proper references
- Structure of a scientific paper
- Survey of most appropriate scientific journals
- Problems of submission and acceptance of scientific papers
- Public and political influence on scientific publications
- Information on publishing with Springer-Verlag

世話人  中山 恒義

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