「Pair-pair interactions in high-Tc superconductivity : evidence from tunneling experiments」
William Sacks 氏
Oct 25, 2016
講演題目: Pair-pair interactions in high-Tc superconductivity : evidence from tunneling experiments
講 師 : William Sacks 博士
Sorbonne Universities, Paris, France
日 時 : 平成28年10月25日 (火) 16:30-18:00
場 所 : 北海道大学理学部5号館5-206室
要 旨 :
The conventional BCS theory fails to account for the physical properties of a large variety of high-Tc superconductors, the cuprate family and the recently discovered iron-based superconductors. In particular, these materials reveal a `peak-dip-hump' structure in the quasiparticle DOS at low temperature and often a pseudogap at the critical temperature. In my talk, the origin of these features are explained in the framework of a new pair-pair interaction model [1] : - The non-superconducting state consists of incoherent pairs, a `Cooper-pair glass' which, due to the pair-pair interaction, condense below Tc to the coherent superconducting state. - The peak-dip-hump structure is then due to the strong coupling between quasiparticles and excited pairs, which we call `super-quasiparticles'. The talk will focus on a wide variety of tunneling experiments, with varied temperature, magnetic field and doping, to test the validity of the model. [1] W. Sacks, A. Mauger, Y. Noat, Superconduct. Sci. Technol. 28 105014, (2015)
世話人 小田研
北海道大学理学部物理学科 (電話011-706-3484)