「Influence of multiplicative and additive noise on stationary dissipative solitons」
Helmut R. Brand 氏

Sep 05, 2019


講演題目: Influence of multiplicative and additive noise on stationary dissipative solitons
講 師 : Helmut R. Brand 氏
      Department of Physics, University of Bayreuth, Germany
日 時 : 令和元年9月5日 (木) 11:00~12:00
場 所 : 北海道大学電子科学研究所1階セミナー室1-3
共 催 : 第262回エンレイソウの会
要 旨 :
We give an overview of the influence of noise on stationary spatially localized patterns. We recall first that a small amount of additive noise can induce explosions for dissipative solitons in the vicinity of the transition sequence from stationary dissipative solitons to exploding dissipative solitons [1]. We will also comment briefly on the effect of large noise in connection with dissipative solitons [2]. In addition, we have shown that purely multiplicative noise can lead to the collapse of dissipative solitons [3]. Stimulated by the results on additive and multiplicative noise we have studied very recently the simultaneous presence of multiplicative and additive noise [4]. Depending on the ratio between the strength of additive and multiplicative noise we find a number of distinctly different types of behavior including explosions, collapse, filling-in and spatio-temporal disorder as well as intermittent behavior of all types listed. [1] C. Cartes, O. Descalzi, H.R. Brand, Phys. Rev. E 85, 015205 (2012). [2] O. Descalzi, C. Cartes, H.R. Brand, Phys. Rev. E 91, 020901 (2015). [3] O. Descalzi, C. Cartes, H.R. Brand, Phys. Rev. E 94, 012219 (2016). [4] C. Cartes, O. Descalzi, H.R. Brand, Phys. Rev. E 100, 012214 (2019).
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